martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Computer Science related to Technology

Hi, today i'm going to explain you something about computer science related with technology:

The start of the computer science like we know it can be situated at the end of the 40s and the beginning of the 50s.At first, the computers were not very sofisticated because were builted up with basic elechtromechanical elements, in the beginning there was no screen or keyboard or mouse and their programattion was created by reclabeain its wires.

The first "desarrollated computers were the Mark Y or ENIAC; this computer prototipes were so big, each computer weight a ton and occupied a room.Here we can see an advantage in the computer science, because today there are some computers that we can take them with only one hand, this is possible thanks to the transistors and the magnetic collectors.
This text make us to think about the evoution of the computer science the technology used in it has been evolucionated and the phisics also; this also make us to think that in a not very far future the computer science and the technology used in it will be very desarrollated.

Thanks for the reading of this and comment.

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