miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


Hi, today our little sinners we are going to show you a PC budget of 600 Euros here we show: http://xtremmedia.com/?q=cconfig/view#A001648,A007079,A011340,A011198,A026214,A021853,A013624


Hi, today we are going to help you to buy a PC by creating a budget you say your wants and price and in more or less 3 days we answer you.You can say the characteristics in the comments.Have fun!!!

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Computer Science related to Technology

Hi, today i'm going to explain you something about computer science related with technology:

The start of the computer science like we know it can be situated at the end of the 40s and the beginning of the 50s.At first, the computers were not very sofisticated because were builted up with basic elechtromechanical elements, in the beginning there was no screen or keyboard or mouse and their programattion was created by reclabeain its wires.

The first "desarrollated computers were the Mark Y or ENIAC; this computer prototipes were so big, each computer weight a ton and occupied a room.Here we can see an advantage in the computer science, because today there are some computers that we can take them with only one hand, this is possible thanks to the transistors and the magnetic collectors.
This text make us to think about the evoution of the computer science the technology used in it has been evolucionated and the phisics also; this also make us to think that in a not very far future the computer science and the technology used in it will be very desarrollated.

Thanks for the reading of this and comment.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


In the history of consoles, technology has evolved a lot: here we are going to show you the seven generations of consoles.Enjoy and have fun!!!

First Generation:

- Odyssey
   Year: 1972
   Company: Magnavox
   It's the first console in the history created by Ralph Baer.This console only  
   had one game and is necessary to use a sheet.
It's most famous games are:

Second Generation:

- Atari 2600
  Year: 1977
  Company: Atari
  This sucessed because with only 128 bytes of RAM memory.
  Some of his most famous videogames are: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and the   
  most famous Mario Bros.

- Odyssey 2/Videopac G7000

Year: 1979
Company: Magnavox/Philips.
Sucessor of the Odyssey, the most important improvement was an graphic improvement (128x64x16 colours)
Some of the most famous videogames are:Alien Invaders, Pink Panther, Frogger,

-Game and Watch

 Line of aproximately 59 electronic videogames, that consisted in only one game played in a LCD screen.
It's most famous videogames are: Pinball, Donkey Kong,The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros.etc.

-Atari 5200

Year :1982
Company: Atari
This console wasn't o popular like its antecessor; but however it was very good because of their new graphics etc...

-ZX Spectrum

Year: 1982
Company: Sinclair
It was the mos popular 8 bites computers.

-Commodore 64

Year: 1982
Company: Commodore
It had a lot of different games and it has the best sound chip so many musicians used to compose.


Year: 1983
Company:  Kazuhiko Nishi
It was very faous, especially because of its proccesor Z8.

-Amstrad CPC

Year: 1984
Company: Anstrad
It wasn't very famous but its black keyboard was so good.

Third Generation:

-Nintendo Entertaimment System (NES)

Year: 1985
Company: Nintendo
It was the first Nintendo console and was so popular because of it was easy to play.

-Atari 7800

Year: 1986
Company: Atari
This was the most wanted console in that time.

-Master System

Year: 1986
Company: Sega
It was a remake of the Sega console: SG-1000.

Fourth Generation:

-Mega Drive (Genesis)

Year: 1988
Company: Sega
It was the new revolutionary console of Sega and had better graphics and ilustrations.

-Atari Lynx

Year: 1989
Company: Atari
It was portable but doesn't had so popular.

-Game Boy

Year: 1990
Company: Nintendo
It was portable and was alimented by battery; it became so popular with the famous game "Tetris".

-Neo Geo

Year: 1990
Company: SNK
It was the most wanted console of the 90's but it price was very high.

-PC Engine/Turbografx

Year: 1990
Company: NEC
It was very innoated because you can introduce a CD.

-Game Gear

Year: 1991
Company: Sega
It was also portable and was one of the first consoles with colour.

-Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

Year: 1991
Company: Nintendo
It wins all of the others consoles and was so famous because of their original games.

Fifth Generation:

-Atari Jaguar

Year: 1993
Company: Atari
This wasn't very famous.

-Amiga CD32

Year: 1993
Company: Commodore International
It was the first 32 bites console but it doesn't became so popular.


Year: 1994
Company: Sega
It was so innovative because it supports games in 2D and 3D.


Year: 1995
Company: NEC
It wasn't very famous because it only supports CD games


Year: 1995
Company: Sony
It was the "new" generation it was so famous because of all of the changes.

-Nintendo 64

Year: 1996
Company: Nintendo
It was the new generation of Nintendo but wasn't very secure.

-Game Boy Pocket

Year: 1997
Company: Nintendo
It was a remake of the classic Game Boy and later this console will have a new remake but with colours.

Sixth Generation:

-PlayStation 2

Year: 2000
Company: Sony
It was a normal console it wasn't very popular.


Year: 2001
Company: Microsoft
It was a new company so it became so popular because it was so interesting.

-PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Year: 2005
Company: Sony
It was the portable version of the PlayStation so it was so interesting for people.

Seventh Generation:

-Xbox 360

Year: 2005
Company: Microsoft
It was the advanced version of the normal Xbox.


Year: 2006
Company: Nintendo
It wwas so interesting because the controland kinect.

-PlayStation 3

Year: 2006
Company: Sony
The third "generation" of PlayStation became so so famous.

Eighth Generation:

-Xbox One

Year: 2013
Company: Microsoft
It is espected to be so popular and wanted because of their accesibility and graphics.

-PlayStation 4

Year: 2013
Company: Sony
It is the competition of the Xbox One.

Here is a video of the evolution and a photo and a presentation:

Imagen TimeLine Ganeraciones Videojuegos.jpg

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

COMPARISSON between PS4 & Xbox One

Hello our little sinners, today we`re going to compare the two new consoles of “Next Gen”; we are talking about Xbox One and PS4, the data we use is the final data of them.
Xbox One:
-The last Microsoft console the Xbox One has been for sale since the 22 of November of 2013, with the price of 499,99€
- The Xbox console will led you to download everything remotement.
- The machine watch has been increased by 150 Mhz, before it was 1.6 GHZ and now it has 1.75 GHZ.
- Some offers includes FIFA 14 (without existences now) and Forza Motorsport 5 (with existences).
- Also there is a pack of the Xbox One with the new “COD”; Call of Duty: Ghosts with the price of 529.9€
- This new console  supports 8 remote controls at the same time.
- At now there are some apps able to download like Wuaki Tv and Blu-Ray.
- There are some “free to play” like Xbox Fitness.
-This console was released in November 29 with theprice of 399€..
-This is the first Sony’ console with an HDMI in-serial cable.
-It supports 4 remote controllers simultaneously.
-We can found it with the price of 499€ including the game “Killzone Shadowfall” , PS4 eye and two remote controllers.
-It has some downloadable Free to Play games like “Warthunder” and “DC Universe Online”

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